Amp for Vintage Heresy

Hey All,

I just picked up a pair of Heresy 1s for my home office / creative studio. 

Currently I’m running a WiiM Pro plus to a NAD 316bee. 
It sounds fine but it could be better. needs more Pratt!


I listen to classic rock, acoustic and good country and stream on Qobuz,


Considering either going vintage (maybe a restored dynamo st-70 , a SET 300b (maybe chinahifi), or something else…


like schiit Freya+ and Aegir , push pull el34 or kt88 integrated, or recommend something!

I’m not happy with the WiiM so considering getting a Allo Katana Player  


My reference system which I like is Nola Boxer s3, Tsakiridis Aeolos Plus, Schiit Bifrost2, Allo DigiOne Signature, Project Debut Carbon Evo, Projrect Phono



thanks guys!




Showing 1 response by allenf1963

I run my Heresy and Forte II with a Dennis Had Inspire 45 amp and Had LP3.1 preamp.  Both sets of speakers have Crites upgrades, and the amp uses Emission Labs tubes.


The Inspire 45 may only put out around 2 watts, but it makes my Klipsch speakers sing.