Amp for Vienna Acoustic Beethoven speakers

Took the advice of another member and recently upgraded from Vienna Acoustic Mozart to Vienna Acoustic Beethoven speakers. I now want to re-ask my original question relating to the Amp.

I am looking for an Pre-Amp/Amp or Integrated Amp to improve the soundstage and 3 dimensionality of my system. Clarity and detail are also important. Budget Approx 5K

Any recommendations?
I had very good experience with the BAT VK5i and Ayre V3 combo with my VA Beets
The Concentra II is a fine integrated amp, as are the BAT VK-300SE and the VAC Avatar Super. These are the best integrateds I've heard.

Once you get into seperates the combinations get more mind-boggling. A lot of good sound is synergy, which can take time or luck to stumble over. The best sound I ever heard out of my Beethovens came from a Classe CP-60 preamp and a Threshold T400 amp.
I was using a Classe CA-200, which sounded very good, when I was taken by the sound of my friend's Threshold T400 (he was using a CP-50 with it). When he decided to move into HT and sell the T400, I tried it in my system (Beethovens at that time), and the music it made with the CP-60 was the definition of synergy. It was magic. Better than the sound of the Threshold T2 with the T400 and better than the sound of the CP-60 with a CA-200.

Naturally, I couldn't stand still, and have since sold the Beethovens and the CP-60. I now own the VA Strauss and a BAT VK-31SE preamp. Most times I think they sound better, more definition for sure. However, I fondly remember the music I heard with the CP-60, T-400 and the Beethovens. Time can play tricks on the mind, just like remenicing about past girlfriends.

Bottom line is you'd probably have a better chance of getting very good sound right off the bat by starting out with one of the integrated amps first. That is unless you get a chance to audition a combination in person that strikes your fancy. Trying to mix and match, sound unheard, is not recommended.


PS. Congrats on the Beethovens, they are great speakers.
I've always liked the Beethovens. They have a natural, slightly warm presentation. Jeff Rowland products have a similar sonic signature. They also have incredible 3d soundstaging. I think you would like a Rowland integrated, like the Concentra II, or maybe the new Concerto (which I haven't heard yet). The Concentra II runs about $4K used.