Amp for the new Watt Puppy speakers

Haven’t seen much info on these speakers since they came out. Upgraded my Yvette’s with the new Watt Puppy’s. Currently using a McIntosh MA12000 and looking for recommendations on new power. Would like to go separates but not sure if I should go mono blocks or stereo. Going to try D’agostino. What else? Open on budget. 

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You should only consider solid state. The best I have ever heard the Wilson speakers were with a lower watt tube amp, but as they turned the system up it turned into a mess. I dont understand why Wilson doesnt make more an effort to make their speakers easier to drive.

I just heard them with VTL TL6.5 Series II / S-200 and Transparent cables. I thought it was wonderful.

If I had an open budget I would audition Boulder , CH Precision and Dartzeel. Great problem to have. Good luck! 

Like you, I was an owner of Yvette’s before I became a dealer by trade three years back. I paired them with T+A electronics (who I now deal for), and the pairing was very good. Wonderful harmonics from the T+A, and exceptional control of the speakers. The stack used in particular is the T+A A 3000 HV amplifier and optional PS 3000 HV power supply. I owned these amps before becoming a T+A dealer, and they are still my reference amplifiers to date. 

Wilson is often paired with Audio Research at shows, and the pairing typically sound great. But if you ask me, I’d pick Simaudio over Audio Research. The Simaudio has a really nice and silky top end to their amps that work really, really well with Wilson. Just a bit less harmonic than T+A, but the tonal balance is quite beautiful.