Amp for stereo subs

My open baffle speakers have 2, 12" subs on each side, powered by your basic chinese plate amps. They are not mounted on the baffle due to lack of room. I have each one in a separate wooden box a friend built. In an effort to cut back on the equipment clutter and outlet demand, I'm thinking of going to a stereo amp. Looking for recommendations for a modestly priced ss amp in the 100-250 wpc range for that use. I have an outboard crossover to use (oops, there goes the outlet I just got back!) so I really just need the power. No prejudice against Class D if that's what makes sense.

Showing 1 response by lewinskih01

The Crowns sound like an interesting option, especially at the price.

Good plate amps could be had from Hypex in The Netherlands. They make the NCores, which would be overkill for this application as their strength is on how refined they are for a Class-D. I recently assembled a pair of UcD400 (first time I assemble an amp) and it was straight forward and allows me to build the midbass amp into the speaker cabinets in an active setup.

A more involved alternative as it requires assembly, but allows for customization to avoid clutter. I'm on the same vein, BTW. Oh, and they sound really good. And no fans to worry about.