Amp for Sonus Faber GP?

Any suggestions on a power amp to match with the Sonus Faber Grand Pianos? My room is approximately 20x15x10 and music is jazz, vocals, rock (no head banging). Future use of the GP's in a home theater may happen so I am primarily looking at amps from manufacturers that also make matching multichannel units (i.e., Krell, Bryston, maybe B&K). Any thoughts would be appreciated!

Showing 1 response by ferdinand

Had an Electa Amator before & I used a Krell KSA200s with it and it was awesome. SOnus speakers loves massive power. They may not look like it, but they are power hungry speakers. For the GP, I think the KSA100 should be enough. Another amp I heartily recommend is the Plinius SA100 III for this speaker!