Amp for my B&W 802D3s and HTM2D3

So I have a NAD M28 that is in for repair. Not totally happy with musicality of it. Have a Lyngdorf MP-40 preamp. Would upgrading to a Krell Chorus 5200 XD be a big upgrade in musicality? Any recommendations? have a REL 212/SE subwoofer. 


Showing 8 responses by propofoln

Sanders magtech? How is this better than mono blocks. They produce enough power for 803D3s?

Ok. Been checking into options. So check these out.  What about 

1. luxman M10x

2. gryphon 300 diablo


Any of these a better option for my 802 D3s, using my NAD m28 for center htm2d3 and in ceiling surrounds 

I went and auditioned the B&W MC462 and the Luxman. I thought the Mac sounded way better than the Luxman. Fuller sound with better bass and low end. It was Sonus Faber speakers, but preferred the MC462