From my experience and what most manufacturers say, running bridged amps into very low impedances is a big no-no. While i know guys that have done it, your speakers would present a pretty demanding load under those conditions. In effect, bridged amps see half of the "nominal" impedance that the speakers really are. In this case, a bridged amp would be seeing well under a 1 ohm load. This is a tough task for ANY amp to deal with on a long term basis, especially if you get into high volume demands. Keep in mind that you also have a lot of reflected EMF from all of those woofers, so whatever you run should be able to cope with that if you want to keep all of those drivers under control. I have a set of speakers that measure 1.1 ohm nominally, are about 82 db's efficient and have played with dozens of amps. I also have a set of subs that use four 12's per channel with a low impedance that i've used all of the following amps on. Depending on the specific tonality that your after, i know that the older Perreaux PMF-2150 and 3150's can easily cope with those conditions. The guy that i bought my first 3150 from was actually using it to drive a set of those Kinergetics subs. The 3150 has far more oomph on the extreme bottom end with the 2150 offering a little more definition but not nearly as much impact. Others that have worked well with the aforementioned speakers were Classe' ( tight but somewhat lean ), any of the 3 different Sunfire models that i own ( never stressed or strained sounding ), Kinergetics Platinum 202 Mono Blocks ( neutral with good extension ), my little Forte' 3's and 6's ( the 3 is VERY lite but quick while the 6 is more full bodied ), etc... Off the top of my head, amps that did not do very well were a Bryston 4B ( easily clipped ) and an Adcom 5800 ( quite bloated and indistinct ) and a Hafler DH-500. The advantage that the Sunfire's have over all of these other amps is that they run cool as a cucumber under any circumstances. While i have never run any of these, the Aragon's and Eagle's are known for having very good bass response so you might want to consider those too. I would assume that the bigger Threshold amps would be fine candidates also. If your not looking to spend a bunch of money right now, i would look into adding more filter capacitance to the Adcom's power supply and "fine tuning" it for the frequency range that you plan to run it on. In other words, heavy internal wiring from the amp boards to the binding posts, heavier power cord to minimize voltage sag from the wall, etc... All of this could be done for under $100 if you shop around. Should you need help locating parts to do this with, email me and i can turn you onto some good sources. Hope this helps. Sean