Amp for kef reference 1

First time posting.

I recently purchased a pair of kef reference 1's.  I had heard these and fell in love.  I had a chance to purchase a few weeks ago and the pairing with my musical fidelity m6i just doesn't work.  Having said that I LOVE this amp, but it doesn't seem right for this application.  It was a fantastic pairing with my totem forests, but this is no longer ideal.  The M6i also works seamlessly with my bryston bda dac.  This really added to the former kit, but these kef's are fussy.  Does anyone have any recommendations?  The hegel h360 keeps popping up, but does anyone have any other suggestions? Also, does anyone have any ideas as to why this musical fidelity is not working with this speaker?

Showing 2 responses by cshadow

The room is about 18 x 20

My preference is an integrated (cost, but am open to any good option. 
Budget about 2500
And I listen at all levels... Never ear splitting loud 

And thank you.  I love this speaker, but damn is the musical Fidelity not cutting it.
Thank everyone... Much appreciated

I found an almost new Hegel h360.  I could not be more happy.  Very good match