Amp for Apogee Stage's

I know most of the early Krell amp's are a good match, are there anyother amps that have become Synonymies with the Stage's. Thanks in advance.....

Showing 1 response by bmotorcycle

Thanks all for you follow-ups, I currently have Atma-Sphere M60's (OTL's) that I use on a conventional cone speaker that I just won't sell. Some have suggested a tube amp sounds good on the Stages, but does the M60's have enough get up and go for the Stage's. Yesterday I read some info on the Zero Autoformers? After talking to the manufacture of the Zero's, he says this device was designed for the OTL amps so they could drive more difficult loads. If the Zero Autoformers work, for around $500.00 problem solved and I won't have to buy that second amp. ,,,,,,,,,maybe?