AMP for 804 Nautilus

I am looking for a new amp currently have BK 7250 and Ref 30 looking for upgrade to drive the nautilus 804. What is a good amp outhere to take full capacity of the B&W I was thinking about Bryston, Classe, and Conrad Johnson. Also anybody have Classe 201 with Ref 30 B&K. Any suggestion thanks.

Showing 1 response by dbui1

I brought the Nautilus 804’s to local dealer and tried:
-Classe 201 and cav-150 = good
-Aragon 8008bb = good
-Bryston 5BST = good
-McIntosh mc7201 (?) = fair
(grade are in order) they carry Conrad Johnson but hadn’t try out.
Went home with Moon W5 ($3550 + Tax) list around $4600. Sound quality so amazing and everything is magical with Moon W3 or W5
Good Luck