Amp blowing fuses

I have a BAT VK-200 amp(purchased used 8 mos ago) and a BAT VK-31se(recently purchased new). 2 weeks ago I came home, put on an album-no sound. I pulled the amp and inserted my old b&K ST-140 mono blocks. When I turned them on one was OK but the other had a loud hum through the speakers, I switched interconnects and it went away. I called BAT and talked to Steve and he told me how to check and replace the fuses in the VK-200 amp. I did this and I was up and running in a few minutes. Could it be the bad interconnect that caused the fuses to blow? By the way these are 10 amp fast blow fuses. I just got the VK-31Se new a few weeks. This is my first piece of tubed equipment, is there something that I should be worried about with that unit? I will be calling BAT agian, but I would like to hear some of your thoughts and experiences.

Showing 1 response by jafox

Hold on here Marakanetz.........not so fast! He said the problem went away when he switched interconnects. Did the fuse blowing problem return when the questionable interconnects were put back? Did the other channel of the amp or other mono amp fuse die when you swapped interconnects? Before we race to blame the preamp, there are a lot of other things to check. If the problem is stil there, try swapping tubes between the 31SE's channels. I have a ton of tubes in my system and they go as do fuses from time to time. But I do not just rush to box up a unit without troubleshooting with cable swaps, tube swapping, trying cheater plugs, unplugging other components, etc.

And by the way, I got the 31SE last year and it is wonderful. It pairs beautifully with the Aesthetix IO and Manley DAC as sources.

So let us know if you find anything. It could be the 31SE but it could save you a ton of time to try these other things first.
