Amp and speakers combo- Magnepan MG 1.6/QR

Right now I am running the following system

Pre is NAD 175
Amp is a NAD 975-140 wpc
mac mini with music fidelity vdac(all music is now played thru this)

Front speakers are the 1.6's
MMGC center channel
MMG back speakers

Now when I watch a movie or have a TV program on in 5.1 the system sounds good.

In Stereo mode it might be a little bright on some music and on others very nice. The placement of the front speakers are fine, nice sound stage and good overall sound.

three selections of music that I keep going back to
US blues - Grateful Dead
Deacon Blues- Steely Dan
Jesus Just left Chicago Govn't Mule

I would like to take some of the brightness off. Suggestions on where to start?

Oh and I tried a set of Tyler Linbrook Supers, but I am really a planar man

Thanks in advance for the help
I would say replace the power amp. I was running a Mccormack DNA .5 Deluxe on mine (1.6') and was VERY happy. You may want to look for a DNA 1 since it is a double duty system, little more head room .....
I would say your source for music is the problem. Try a Jolida tube CD player for example. Or try an OPPO BDP-83 SE which will give you an universal player. At any rate, Magnepans are very revealing speakers and I would think your source is your weakest link.
you need a lot more power for the front speakers. I would look at keeping the NAD for the center and rear speakers and looking for an amp with at least 400w into 4 ohm. The extra power will definitely mellow out the brightness. Maybe a Wyred4Sound?

Good luck.
I agree with both Jimyork and Macdadtexas.

Since you are a computer server music person, I suggest replacing the VDAC with a tubed DAC like Music Hall DAC25.2, a warmer solid state DAC like PS Audio Data Link III, a Benchmark, or just an all around better DAC like Bryston's new BDA-1 if you can swing it.

As for more power - I have never heard of a pair of Maggies being over-powered. This may ultimately be limiting your enjoyment more than anything else.