Amp and preamp for Klipsch

Hello all,
New to forum and first post. My question is which way to go to start my new setup. I have Klipsch RF82 ii speakers and am looking for a 2.0 setup with these for now. I have been using standard Onkyo but looking for something to really push these. My total budget is 2000.00 USD and don't mind waiting for the right used piece to come along. Been looking at Emotiva and Parasound just because of the decent used and new prices. Music taste is really mixed and love it LOUD and CLEAR.  Room is open layout living room. Any suggestions for amps and preamps in this budget would be greatly appreciated..

If you are up for tubes check out a used Rogue Cronus Magnum.

Bel Canto c5i digital integrated is another good option. It can do it all very well and has very relaxed liquid yet detailed sound that should match well with Klipsch.

Nice budget at $2000.00.  Maybe consider an integrated amp like a Yamaha A-S1100, Parasound Halo Integrated, or NAD 375BEE.  All will have no problem driving your RF-82IIs.

I have used many different amps(Acurus A200, B&K EX4420, Yamaha A-S1000, Parasound 2125, NAD T773, etc.) to drive my RF-63s and all have performed wonderfully.  Surprisingly, the Yamaha A-S1000 and it's "90w/ch" was equal to or bettered some of the other amps and their 125 and 200w/ch in my large open family room/kitchen.  Very natural sounding and balanced with not too much of anything.
