Amp and preamp for dq10s

I have a McIntosh 2205 powering them now and feel there is something missing. Any thoughts on a powerful unit 200 watts a channel with great mid and high with solid base. My taste in music is jazz and acoustic guitar easily driven music. The room is 12x15 but open to kitchen and hallway . Ceilings are 8ft
thanks for your thoughts.

Showing 1 response by instlouis

Waaaay back when , I had 2 sets of DQ10’s ( with upgraded ) crossovers using  McIntosh Pre’s and one had an Adcom GFA-1 Amp and the other was powered with a Perreaux 2150B . Both were enhanced with DQ1 subwoofers that substantially improved the overall listening experience.

Eventually sold off one set and changed main amp to a Threshhold T200 , still one of the most amazing amps I ever heard.and the reason I moved to B&W speakers. ...

If you can find an old Threshold T200, you will not be disappointed.

Have fun ...
