American-made integrated tube amplifiers

I have been holding out for an American-made integrated tube amp. It seems, however, that all the recent buzz has been about Asian-made products. Obviously, economics has forced many of us to reconsider our equipment budgets. This most often narrows amp selection to foreign manufacturered designs. Is there an affordably priced "made-in-the-USA" integrated tube amp that clearly outperforms and outclasses the current comparative Asian products filling the approx. $1500 price range? A scan through the common publications indicate, not.

Showing 3 responses by sogood51

Ejineffect said:

"I wonder how the Cronus fares up against Cayin , Prima Luna or Ming Da. At least these makes are mentioned in A-gon forums. Hard to find much discussion on Rogue. Why no hype? I know, I know,...DON'T BELEIVE THE HYPE"

Hummm...a generic search of Rogue, Primaluna, Cayin, under amps/preamps.... turns up more results for Rogue, than the other two combined?

Maybe you are not searching correctly?

You'll perhaps be interested to know that while you stated that AtmaSphere suits the bill, but is outside of the pricepoint, they're exactly who we're partnering with in my reference above. We intend to introduce in this year all tube pre and power amplifiers, made right here in the USA for $995 - our integrateds will be a bit higher than that"

You got me interested Bill, can't wait to hear more when the time is right.
