American Made Audio Unveils New Site For Made in USA Components

American Made Audio - Sharing my new site dedicated to companies that manufacture in the United States - both Made in America and Assembled in America.

Well over 100 companies in the United States manufacture some of the best equipment for audiophiles and cinephiles in the world. But until now there was no one place on the web to find American audio brands.

The main feature of American Made Audio is “The List” – a master listing of all companies that manufacture relevant products in the United States, shown alphabetically. Additional pages show manufacturers by product type, such as amplifiers, speakers, turntables, cables, audiophile music labels, and more, letting customers easily find brands that manufacture in America.

I don't think that being curious about the products made local to you is necessarily nationalistic. 
Nationalism? Far from it. You probably missed the discussion about the famous UK speaker company Tanniy that recently began producing many of their speakers in China. It’s really an economic issue and full disclosure issue.
You mean Tannoy I suppose. Yes they produce a lot in China, and so do many other companies, and if it is not China it is Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Turkey etc. We all benefit - that is the logic of the free market.
You suppose? Could you be more snarky? Thanks for the free economics lesson. Duh! So, you’re backing off the nationalism claim, I take it.
Adam Smith's The Wealth Of Nations (1776) postulates that if goods and services can be purchased for less overseas then it is beneficial to import them! 
Yup. And the subsequent analysis of comparative advantage by Ricardo is classic. More recently, Paul Krugman is also worth a read.

Adam Smith's The Wealth Of Nations (1776) postulates that if goods and services can be purchased for less overseas then it is beneficial to import them!

Smith erroneously omitted societal costs with the importation. Of course, when he was writing there were no social safety nets (read publicly funded entitlements). To see pure democracy at work, visit India....extreme wealth overlooking squalid slums. I’ll pay extra provided the incremental costs make their way to the workforce.
In his old age Smith admitted his "invisible hand" was the British Empire .He is about as useful as a broken  glass .
In the early 50's almost every issue of the "Readers Digest " had some article saying how great Capitalist India was going to be compared to Communist China . Haven't seen one lately .