Ambient / New Age Anyone?

I got a lot out of the 'Techno Anyone' thread, so I thought I'd start up one for the ambient/new age stuff. Stuff like Brian Eno (father of ambient), Patrick O'Hearn, Tangerine Dream, Klaus Shulze, Richard Burmer...

I'd like to hear everyone and anyone's thoughts on what they think are the best of the genre.

I particularly like Eno/Budd's The Pearl, Eno's 'Apollo', Richard Burmer's 'Mosaic' and 'Invention', Patrick O'hearn's 'Between Two Worlds' and 'Rivers Gonna Rise', Tangerine Dream's hard to find 'White Eagle' and Klaus Shulze's 'Dune'. I'll chime in with more later.

Any other 'must-haves'??


Showing 3 responses by rwwear

Ashra's New Age of Earth may actually be the first new age album and maybe the best. I would not consider Tangerine Dream or Edgar Froese to be new age. They are really electronic even though they do some ambient and new agey music they sometimes do more rock oriented arrangements. They are some of my faves though. Along with Ashra of course. There are many others.
If you like TD(I have over 80 CDs by them)check out Steve Hillman and Dweller at The Threshold. They are both in the vein of earlier TD.

All fans of electronic/ambient should check out Hearts of Space on one of your local PBS radio stations or visit their website at