Amazon Music and Bluesound Node 2i

Anyone streaming Amazon Music with their Bluesound Node 2i?

I signed up for the three month trial period (I’m a Prime Member) and also the one month Tidal trial.

So far the integration of Amazon Music in the BluOs app sux. Tidal is much better in this respect. I’m not commenting on the sound quality as I haven’t really compared that yet. I’m just getting used to using the app and learning to use the two different streaming services. I really don’t care about MQA but Tidal is easier to use with the BluOs App.

Anyone have a similar experience and how does Quobuz and other services play with the Bluesound App?

Showing 2 responses by ml8764ag

Good catch JJ! I find a lot of misinformation and disinformation on the node 2i...2 statements here in fact...some don’t know what they are talking about...and others clearly biased against anything not analog.

I use the node 2i and game changer...practically any music I want to hear (in cd or higher Rez), available instantly for $15 dollars a month!
Putting a nice DAC in front of the node (for me) eliminates all downsides.

P.S. I have high end analog too...different formats for different times and different music. However, if I had to choose only’d be streaming Quboz.

My recommendation...skip Tidal, skip Amazon...get Qobuz, learn how to use it....and don’t look back.
I love Amazon...but to me...their music service interfaces have always been half baked.