Amazon just killed Tidal

Today Amazon released Amazon Music Unlimited HD streaming for $12.99 per month for  Amazon Prime members.

There is a free trial.

Streaming is in CD and High Rez quality!

50 million songs!

Just started my subscription. More info later.

Showing 14 responses by uberwaltz

Sorry my bad explanations.
I meant I use WiFi just for communication between everything mobile wise.
I am direct Ethernet from my modem down to my Ayre EX8.
And the NAS and PC are all on the same wired network for access .
Apparently some still do......
I am quite happy to have my PC upstairs in the office and access its NAS via Wi-Fi network if needed.

I find both droid and iPad apps work more than fine for my streaming needs
Not really talking listening on your phone but USING your phone and the mobile apps as the control center.
Heck I only use phone to listen while flying for work.
Have you tried Amazon streaming through either mobile app?
I did not even know they had a desktop app .. Lol.
From my iPad direct into the USB audio input of my Ayre sounds pretty good to my ears.
Not Qobuz yet I admit but I will take their 90 days free trial and see how it improves in that time frame.
Well Amazon might not have "Killed Tidal" but I am suitably impressed after actually getting it to play on the " big rig".

Streaming to my two vintage rigs was easy as the android app saw the 2 Chromecast units instantly and played to them perfectly and it sounded good.

But my Ayre EX8 did not show up as a source and mconnect does not support Amazon yet.

On the iPad it was at first considered even worse as NOTHING showed up as a source.

However with perseverance and the help of 2 members ( thx Rick and Robert) I got it to work on the big rig.
Out of the iPad, Lightning to female USB adapter, USB audio cable to a powered reclocker, USB audio cable into the EX8.
The EX8 does not have a powered USB audio input so the reclocker is essential to the party to supply good clean 5v USB power.

Ok so with this setup I was able to play same album on Amazon and Qobuz switching between USB audio and Ethernet inputs to compare the SQ.

I have to say I might just give the nod to Amazon atm.
Although a lot of variables, maybe the reclocker is really helping out?
Maybe my Ethernet is hampered by being 75 ft from the router and running through a switch?

Tough call but I now have options.

Well you might be able to get to talk to a live person quickly but getting to talk to a live person who understands your problems?
Different matter altogether!
Maybe better luck tomorrow during " normal hours"
Well I had to try it now......

Yes big improvement with getting complete albums to play and a lot of genres and choice I see.

Apparently I bought some music on my last sojourn, who knew!
So trying that out for SQ and not horrible, nice the app found both Chromecast Audio units in my network right away and appears to be playing to them flawlessly.

Might be more to this than I first thought.
And what happens when Amazon wipe out the competition as Red Box did with renting movies?

Only one way the pricing will go.......

I stand corrected, not quite sure what I was thinking of there not Amazon but similar.
Call it a big brain fart.........

Way to go Amazon. Tidal customer service sucks (there is none). At least with Amazon you can get a live person.

Not in my experience!

At Amazon you cannot even get a live person any longer, much quicker and simpler to use the chat option to resolve issues.
I must admit that works very well though and resolution to my satisfaction is 100%.

But I am not convinced on their music service, it seems to be no better than when I tried a few months back.
I would say all they are doing right now is out iTuning iTunes.
No serious threat to Qobuz imho right now.
Exactly this above!

And unless they change their format to resemble Qobuz to be album based and not copying iTunes and being song and playlist based it will never get my attention.

Maybe I am the odd one out but I have NEVER created a playlist in my life as I prefer to listen to a full album even if it does contain a few clunkers.

I guess that habit follows on from analog background where you play a side of vinyl all the way through and not leaping up and down to cue up and skip a track ( at least I dont!).
Can anybody answer if you can now get complete albums as opposed to just individual tracks?
For example on both Tidal and Qobuz you bookmark or favourite the albums you want to then revisit anytime from "your favourite" tab.
Can Amazon now do this?
It could not earlier in the year.
I tried Amazon music a few months back as it came with Amazon Prime free.
Interface was sloppy imho and did not seem to be any way to bookmark complete albums.
I have zero interest in a collection of individual songs or playlists.
So unless that has changed it holds no interest for myself.