I've been considering a VPI Scout Turn Table for a while. Now that you're using it, what's your impression?
amazing transformation...how?
A couple of years ago I purchased a used but in excellent condition, VPI Scout turntable. The previous owner included a Dynavector 20x2 high output cartridge which I was very excited about.
I got it all set up, grounded, stabilized and isolated etc and couldn't wait to put on some vinyl, sit back and enjoy! I don't remember what album I put on but the result was, I HATED the sound. It was excruciating! I tried tweaks, cleaning, changing music...it didn't matter I HATED the sound! Way too bright, harsh, grating on my ears. I gave up! and have spent the last year and a half only listening to CD's.
About a week ago, I for some reason decided to give the TT and cartridge another try. I put on a record, fired it up and something amazing happened! it sounded incredible! Smooth, detailed, open, balanced...NONE of the characteristics that I heard and hated months ago!
My question is, WHAT happened??? HOW?
Nothing else changed in my system. I have tried multiple albums, various types of music. They all now sound amazing. I can't wait to spend time relistening to my vinyl collection and adding more! I had pretty much given up on vinyl but that has all changed! ....Welcoming thoughts.