Amazing Solo Piano Recordings

I'm looking to get your oppinions on the best solo piano recordings available. Style or genre is not important as long as the recording is pristine, clear, open and in your oppinion AMAZING! Please if you can, state artist, label, etc., so we audiogoner's can buy 'em!

Showing 1 response by mwp7373

Hagood Hardy, "Alone". Hard to find, but the catalog reference on the CD sleeve is Solitudes Ltd., 1131A Leslie Street, Suite 401, Toronto, Canada M3C 3L8
and the catalog/item # on the CD itself is SOLCD02. This is a remarkable recording, both musically and from an engineering standpoint. Not all the selections are purely solo piano, as a drum set and string bass are also used on some tracks. Also would recommend any of the Jim Chappell CDs. (My personal favorite is "Nightsongs and Lulabies".