Amati owners?

Hi, I am looking forward to meeting other Sonus Faber Amati owners out there to discuss how to get the most out of them. Please drop me an email or post here. ( (

Showing 4 responses by adsal7e18

i have a pair,i drive it with vac 140 amps they are very good speakers but not easy to get the best from them.they like tube or very fast ss amps.but never use under 100 watts.did anybody try some special spikes or platform under amatis?
did anybody listen amatis with sonus fabers musica integrated??we tried guarneri with goldmund 29 ,sound is wonderfull but thin.i think best choice is tube for amatis
belive me i had too many speakers (soundlab,proac 4,wattpuppy,b&w.....).and i m happy with i told you before its a difficult speakers.they are looking for too much synergy with cable,amps and suggestion is call sumikos people or call robert stein from cable company