Am I the only one who doesn’t love Harbeth P3esr?

I purchased a pair of P3’s a month ago based on their
uniformly rave reviews online. I have tried them with 
3 different amps, in two different rooms, and with and without a sub, and am just not overly impressed,
using a variety of music. Maybe my expectations were too high, but I expected more OMG moments.
They certainly aren’t bad. Very detailed. But to me they sound bright which I never expected. And I just can’t get them to sound really good.
I have other speakers I gravitate to for listening sessions- KEF LS 50 and Klipsch RP 600ms.


Showing 3 responses by rocray

I have not had the pleasure to hear the P3's. I currently have a pair of Graham Chartwell LS3/5's,and before that,a pair of Spendor S3/5's. So I guess I've heard some speakers in the same ballpark.
  That being said,after 60 hours,they probably haven't completely settled in yet. However,if you don't care for the sound,you don't care for the sound. There is absolutely nothing wrong with not agreeing with everyone else's ears. They are your ears.  I sometimes can't understand why if some people love something,either you love it too,or you are doing something wrong. Bad set up,wrong amp,bad room. Why can't someone just not care for a product because it just doesn't sound good to them?