Am i missing something without a power conditioner?

I need your advice on power conditioners. I know there is alot talked about with power conditioners. But let me explain my situation and what i have. First and foremost i upgraded all my stock power cords. I am using and have a Krell FPB 600 amp with a Shunyata Research Sigma HC power cord. I am using and have an Audio Research Ref 6 preamp with a Shunyata King Cobra Helix CX power cord. And have a Rega ISIS cd player with a Shunyata Sigma digital power cord. I have 1 dedicated 20 amp line with a 4 plug 20 amp wall outlet that my amp and preamp plug into. My question is with these high quality power cords do i still need a power conditioner? 
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Showing 2 responses by terry9

Re-read what Atmasphere said. He is an expert, and electronics is his field.

Industrial is always better than commercial, and commercial is always better than audiophile. Tradeoffs are cost, convenience, and noise.

I installed overlarge Plitron medical isolation transformers. They sell to the public. I compared four conditions: (1) factory power cords into dedicated 20 amp lines; (2) factory power cords into isolation transformer; (3) exotic power cords into dedicated 20 amp lines; and (4) exotic power cords into isolation transformer. (Statisticians will recognize a 2x2 factorial experiment.)

Results were: (4) = (2) > (3) > (1). That is, an isolation transformer is better than an exotic power cord, and further, eliminates the need for one.

When the electrical inspector came to examine my installaton, he said that he had never seen cleaner power, even at a power station.

That said, if I didn’t already use overlarge medical isolation transformers, and power supplies full of heavy iron (100 kg of chokes, actually), I would immediately go out and buy an Elgar, based on Ralph’s recommendation.

But of course, you can spend your money elsewhere.

Won’t disagree about power cords, Eric, but my milage has differed, if just a little. I heard a small difference, or thought I did, but markedly less than with the isolation transformers, where the difference was obvious.

But bang for buck? Nossirree. I would buy them, if I didn’t have a better solution already, somewhat after my third premium MC cartridge. And the big Koetsus DO make a significant difference, no "thought I did" about it.