Am I going insane?

I am not what most of you would call an audiophile, although I do appreciate a nice soundstage. I figured this was a good place to ask my questions. First I want to give you my situation though...

Last year I bought the Sony 40"XBR. I love it. Now it's time to purchase a very modest sound system for HT and 2channel. I don't have ANY equipment yet. I do know that the speakers are the first, most important piece to aquire.

So, I was at a dealer last week. I was listening to the B&W CDM NT1 series in both 5.1 and 2 channel. The sound was clear and I was pretty impressed. This is the B&W series (at least retail) that is in my price range.
Then, the fella helping me switched to the Boston Acoustics VR-M60s, with the matching center and surrounds. I thought that the BAs sounded better...much better...more free, less boxy. Both sets were being played from a Yamaha reciever (not hifi to be sure, but I can't afford good components yet). AM I NUTS? Would seperates make this setup sound better? The room was setup nicely, at least as far as my limited experience can tell.

Since then I have listened to a PSB setup, but wasn't as impressed. I also teased myself with a BEAUFIFUL Sonus Faber setup that I might be albe to afford in about 1000 years. I am looking for other options, but am limited by around a $2000 budget for speakers. If I can get something used that is higher quality (but able to be pushed from a reciever for a while), I certainly will go that way. I read similar posts as this regarding Thiel 1.5s. I am searching for a place to hear these.

I have decided to go with the Velodyne SPL800 or SPL1000 sub, as I really liked how it dissapeared in the B&W and BA setups.

Please help a really green newbie who is trying to get some bang for bucks.


Showing 4 responses by gumbydammit

I just took my home theatre and hooked it to that Suburban on . It sounds a lot better than when I had it hooked to my Onan diesel.

Nuebilder:Watch out for my big van man, (said like the Arnold S.) "I will crush you like a bug" :>)

What is your Linn setup by the way?
Been having some interesting email conversations that just may have me taking an old SOTA to play with....
Neubilder: I agree that it is good to see B&W being compared to BOSE! I think that people who poo-poo a model based on its manufacturer should have a reality check.
(But I have never heard anything from Bose I could stand.) On the other hand, I loved my B&W DM 7's.

NAIM, KRELL, LINN... etc. have cult followings like B&W. I have heard fantastic sound from all of these manufacturers. I have also heard crap.

A good example of my point can be made with cars....
A VW owner who is into his car is kind of like a cult member who thinks anything B&W makes is king.
Ahh the wonderful 1976-1986 Rabbit/Jetta. Good car if you like to tighten the alternator belt every 5,000 miles, have chronic fuel injection issues and eventual electrical smoke from the dash.
But lord help you if you point that out to a VW nut.
The same is true for the "Nameplate followers" in audio.............
McInto$h... I think would have to be the best example. Rich guy who knows nothing goes in and buys "the best" HA!

There are certainly past models made by Mirage..even Energy (remember those?) that blew away models by B&W. Yet people would leave the shop with an overpriced set of B&W's totally based on "snob appeal". BAH HUMBUG.

Remember when SOTA was a big thing? Oy-Vey. Give me the cheap little Planar 3 ANYDAY! But, there were a ton of people out there that would fight you to the death because of the name. Hey, they cost they must be better, right?

I would like to see people not pay any attention to the name plate affixed to audio gear. Find what you like. Ignore the name, concentrate on the model you are listening to.

Zstokes: I agree with people telling you to trust your ears, while knowing that the sound that is intially impressive for the first half hour...can grate on you later. Make sure you have played a wide range of recordings you like on the speakers/amp(s) and be certain that you bring a few of your favorite movies as well. If the salesman does not want to spend an hour or two letting you play..then find a new salesman.

I recently heard an Atlantic Tech. Flagship setup with 9,000.00 just in speakers. The same ones that they have at the Lucasfilm ranch.... They S-U-C-K-E-D! I thought it was the setup, so I went to another shop offering the same speakers with a totally different front end..(to the tune of about 30k worth of gear)..once again, they S-U-C-K-E-D!In fact, my buddies little Mirage set up, with less than 2,750.00 into the whole thing (including the 349.00 JVC that drove them), blew the AT's away without question (to my ears).

If there is one golden chunk of advice I could give someone looking for a system, it would be to trust thier ears, not thier eyes or salesman!

It is a sad fact that so many people spend thousands of dollars after reading a few reviews..(you think all that crap is for real? Or that the reviewer isn't worried about losing the ad $$$ from a manufacturer?)
True good sound, regardless of your budget, requires many hours of research and many hours of listening. The ultimate judge being your ears.
Oh come on, Nue:.....ANY american car??
Also, I said Rabbit/Jetta, not Diesel. The diesels, while still having the electrical issues to a lesser degree, were pretty awesome (though totally gutless) little vehicles.
(Also you should know I have owned 5 of them through the years.) But if you want a REAL diesel, 1984 Camry Turbo-D :)
Same mileage, MUCH more guts and a whole lot bigger. (I sadly had to part with mine @ 200k plus....and it still had no blow-by. (Pull the oil breather off your rabbits valve cover while it will be little run-away..if it has 160k or better, it must hav happned to you at least once or twice (<:)

Zstokes: Your post made me start looking for a dealer to check those JMLabs out. I thank YOU for all the info here!!!!
Nuey my dear.........
That Suburban has more visibility than your Jetta ever thought of having!

Obscured vision my butt ;>)

You dont need to see anything but what is in front of you when you are doing 130 MPH anyway. Ahhh, all that fossil fuel being burned........smells like victory :>)

Long live large Detroit iron!

There, that should keep you happy for a while. Just your kind of thing. Gutless and practical?? Hmmmmmm

The 'Burban will pick both vehicles out of its grill with a piece of spring stock when it gets home :>) hehehe

I am not gonna pay for one. I did not like it I am gonna take one for a whle. I think it is the star ???