Am I Better Off With Limited Low Frequency Speaker In A Small Room?

In my 12'x12'x11' room, am I better off with limited low frequency speakers, such as those which only extend down to 40-50hz, or will the mere introduction of a speaker that extends down to 35hz be potential for trouble (The extent of my knowledge is that lower frequencies need larger spaces to truly breathe, and the wavelength goes up exponentially). My listening space is my living room, and there's not a lot of space for room treament. I'm auditioning a single GIK Soffit bass trap. I'm not sure how much it will help. 


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["analogj    I'm aware of what subs CAN do,  but I have never heard a sub, even in an audio salon, where I didn't ultimately prefer the sound of the main speakers without them, at least for music."]


If you heard the sub, even in an audio salon, I believe it wasn't, or simply incapable of being properly set up. 

In my experience the upper frequencies benefit from more space not the bass. The earlier 18" version of my current Room Optimization equipped 10" subwoofer used in my 10'x10'x8' studio are only distinguishable when turned off during play. 

All the best with your search.