Am I asking too much?

I’ve  been looking to finally buy the cartridge my turntable - a restored Garrard 401 with Reed 3P tonearm - deserves.  So I sent a note to a local Koetsu dealer - wanting to support them over your typical big names (e.g., Music Direct, Upscale Audio, etc.) particularly during covid.  Though I’ve never bought from this local place,  I’ve visited them before a couple times, and live less than 10 miles away.   When I asked the dealer if they provide turntable set-up — remember, this is for a $7000 cartridge — he told me that they refer people to a local company for that (which means of course at an additional charge).

wtf?  So the only service provided by the local dealer is to order the cartridge that I can get cheaper on-line and then refer me to someone else to provide actual service.  Anybody else have a reaction to this?

Showing 5 responses by asvjerry

mmm....obviously, some wounds heal slowly...if at all...:(

Since I can afford to be charitable (it's not my $ or time spent), an observation on this sad tale...

Most b&m shops have migrated into selling 'systems', offering complete installations with decors designed to impress visually and hopefully with 'appropo acoustics' applied.  Selling a 7K$ cart is a easy thing to do on a slow day....

Mounting same properly?  A thumb-sized bit of 'audio jewelry' that's just as easy to screw up rather than get correct?  That, if done wrong, turns an easy sale into a nightmare of a pissed customer....

...especially if 'they' don't know how to do it anymore....right....the 1st go.

"Lets' turn Mr.Dalton over to the guy who set up Our stuff.  He (seems) to know what to do properly...."

I've been around sales folk most of my life.  The good ones can sell you underwear and convince you it's best worn backwards.  I'll assume they wear theirs correctly, but a sale is a sale.....and they know when to say NO.

If you don't feel comfy mounting your cart, you're left to the skills of the recommended party. are in the company of those who've 'been there, done that, and did it again until they got it Right'.

You're in 'check', not wanting to hear 'checkmate'.
Your move, good luck, J
mdalton, Yes...tortured perhaps.  But I was making a 'ho' observation of your situation, however flawed it may be.  No intent of rubbing your fur backwards over it.

Frankly, I liked 'b&m' as it existed in the past.  Having lived the bulk of my life in large areas (SoCal, SF Bay area, Houston, in that order), time & tide have condensed the 'good outlets' to a pitiful few, the 'big box' outlets have become chains, the 'multimedia' b&m's apparently catering to those who have the $ to impress with the 'wide screen experience' overruling all else....

A cynical observation, Yes.*shrug*  I'll stand to be damned over it.

Hey, I admire your bringing a 401 into SOTA status; new arm, wonderful cart, all that...  No doubt you've the equipment that'll make the time and investment bring you pleasure for the trouble.

Me?  Yup, I eBay, Craigs', Amazon, troll the Habitats, the SalvArmy, etc.
In the past, I had the disposable $ to feed the habit, and it was fun.

It still, that is. But it doesn't mean my desires and expectations have totally gone to dregs.  It's just my focus is a bit different these daze. ;)

I wish I had a 'relationship' with a store mgr.
Unfortunately, I live now in a local where the 'stores' don't have the offerings that even begin to approach 1K$ carts....or mgrs' that would care to know me personally.

I go into these outlets fully aware that I know a lot more about their products then the bright-eyed sales staff does.  They're pretty easy to haul into the deep end of the pool...

And then there is the fact that I spend a certain amount of my 'audio time' DIY'ing an updated version of a Walsh omni speaker.
Most don't have any clue as to wtf I'm refering to or about...or Why.


Because I can....and, having some success at it.
On a shoestring...because I can.
And you don't.
Nor anyone else Here.

I'd LOVE to have the opportunity to have a pair of my 'little mutants' attached to your cables.
I'd even LOVE to have us blow the pair up...just to see what the 'upper limit' on them is.
I'd learn something from it, +5 years into the process.

As is said:
No Fear.

Anyway....good luck with the Koetsu.
I bear you no malice, only a stance.
What others think of what I not a concern to me.
Nor, what they each...

Regards, J

@crustycoot, my hat is off to your, sir. I would drive you crazy, but would potentially give some of the widows' items a home that would appreciate them.  And a manager that I could 'bench race' with... ;)

@mdalton, I hope crustys' near you...really.  He has the business model that I subscribe to, to go the extra that makes a customer Want to return.

To all:
I'll apolgize for my outburst, rant 'n rave, But...  I'm of a business where we tend to get very specific about What we're going to do, the estimated 
'time frame', and what we expect to see on arrival.  Minor deviations we Do expect; Major ones trigger meetings and the potential of the dreaded Change Order.
A major client had a term for it:  BOAT$
Bring Our Another Thousand $

We don't care for them, either.  Fouls up our schedule, makes our staff have to stay in another period of time away from family, doomed to remain in the hotel stir crazy in a locale eating out of a microwave or Googling food reviews from questionable tastes...

But, I digress as usual....

Y'all....Ask Up Front.  Be Clear, Be as Specific as Possible.
Beats the alternative, whether b&m, AG sales, or any other venue.
If Any Doubt....Walk Away.

Best to all, J