Am I asking for too much??

I figured posting this question in the speaker section would be appropriate, but it also applies to all other areas of our hobby.
Having just read the review by Jim Hannon in the September issue of Absolute Sound of the Zellaton Stage, I am left with a hyperbole laden advert for the speaker in question. Hyperbole like this...quote" The Stage not only transports you to the recording venue, it helps you "be at one" with the artists and delve deeply into the performance and the music."


So to my question, am I asking for too much with this question....instead of layering hyperbole upon hyperbole in these reviews, how about adding a paragraph or two about what the speaker ( in this instance, but could be any other gear reviewed like this) does NOT do well. Now, IF the reviewer cannot fathom what the gear does NOT do well, and therefore doesn’t have the discriminatory ability necessary to determine that ( and this is a whole other question), then at least some comment to state that he cannot hear where the gear falls down. ( believe me, they all do compared to the ’real’ thing, just how is the question). Or, is that simply too much to ask for???

Lastly, how does this type of review assist me in determining what the speaker really sounds like in reference to my reference...or the ’Absolute Sound’ as defined by HP. 
(therefore, what value does it really have for me, or the consumer?)


Showing 5 responses by stereo5


I am just wondering, is there something specific?  I have been a reader of that magazine since the mid 80's , so I am curious.  I know that a former reviewer tried to make a profit off of his "demo equipment".  While I am sure that they aren't completely innocent, I do think the editor tried to run a tight ship.   I'm sorry, I seldom read Kals "Music In the Round" as I have no interest in multi channel so I don't really know much of his reviews.  I wasn't trying to start an argument or controversy, I was just curious as to why you had felt that way.  Anyways, peace.

I believe what you said regarding TAS, they are the worst.  Stereophile?  The former editor John Atkinson has more integrity than most all of the other magazines combined.  What reason do you have for saying that?
For years, there was a certain manufacturer who wouldn’t loan any equipment for Stereophile to review because they got a negative review from them on another piece of equipment. I miss the early days of high end when HP from TAS reviewed a Pioneer high powered receiver which the mainstream magazines gushed over. He said and I quote “plainly a piece of crap”. You won’t see anything like that anymore.
It still isn't as bad as 6moons where the manufacturer not only lends the equipment, they pay 6moons a fee as well.  How objective do you expect the reviewer to be if the company whose product they are reviewing is paying money for the review?