aluminum platter vs Acrylic not what I thought

I recently got to hear a VPI scout with an aluminum platter and various platter mats.  I am having a hard time trying to understand where the fascination with aluminum is coming from.  The acrylic sounds far better.  Its not even close to my ears.  Is it that some people just never heard the scout with the acrylic platter?  I would strongly encourage anyone who is looking for a used scout with an acrylic platter to really take a good look at it.  It sounds much more like real music and for what these used scouts are going for, they are an incredible value.  Maybe its just system/cartridge synergy.  I actually thing the scout with the acrylic platter sounds just as good if not better and quieter than the classic with the aluminum platter.  The scout sounds more like an older Aries than the Classic does.  The advantage of the classic is the longer arm but I mean for many people, I am not sure you can do much better table than the scout with the acrylic platter for anywhere near to what they go for used and I would say they you could look at tables costing much more and still not get the music satisfaction in many ways that the scout accomplishes.  They just seem to portray the musical experience in a way that sounds right.  Aries and scoutmasters with acrylic have to sound killer.  The only platter that is as good that VPI made are there lead and hybrid metal aluminum/acrylic platter tables.  I think VPI is going in the wrong direction with aluminum.  To me the disadvantages far outweigh the benefits.  Others may disagree but if you find scout w/acrylic for a good deal, I would be all over it.  Sometimes you just don't know what ya have so I will probably hang on to mine for a while.

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We tried different mats and even though they did make a difference, not always better, it just seemed that some frequencies were still affected by what must be the aluminum.  We both came to the conclusion that the Aluminum platter is just not giving us the benefits we hoped for.  Just could not get away from the overly energized platter.  Too much energy.    I guess what I am saying is the Acrylic platter VPIs are really good.  Considering what you can get them for it is a steal.  I have heard the lead and acrylic mix platters that melm spoke about and he is right, no question, no doubt. 
Yogiboy, I would agree, lead was very good indeed.  Dead as hell in a good way.
Yes all signal path connections and so were the same.  cartridge was a dynavector
We did try putting record on bare platter.  this is not the Classic platter.  Although, that one may be better damped.
according to my friend, where VPI has made improvements is in their Pivot bearing.  He said it is different than earlier models and is a large improvement.  He lent it to me to listen to with the the newer stainless arm.  he said that the scout with the acrylic platter and the Newer arm and bearing is the scout to have.   
I am looking at it right now.  It is different.  looks like it is machined different.  also the bottom of the base is thicker.  I do not have time to listen right now and set up.  I will listen later and comment.
well it definitely tracks better.  Sounds more controlled.  May be less air than the original.  not sure.  The big plus is the tracking.  Tracks fantastic compared to the original.  
I think the VPI Scout, scoutmaster, aries, tnt etc. could be a good platform for aftermarket platters.  They are very sound designs.  now with this newer arm on the scout, you can definitely use moving coil, no problem.  I know VPI recommends mostly moving magnet with their newer scout but I have to say I think the newer stainless jmw 9 is worthy of better.
The new aluminum plate uses the non inverted bearing.  Not sure if it could be damped better.  I am talking about the scout aluminum platter, not the Classic.  maybe a different mat?  we tried cork, felt, sorbothane... any recommendations?  With these mates, we could just not get rid of the hard sound especially at certain frequencies.  The acrylic works much better and you place the record directly on it
He said he is not giving up on the aluminum platter.  Right now, I am liking my acrylic and I am glad I have it.
The only thing we noticed was during demanding musical interludes, the aluminum platter seemed to drive through pretty clearly.  Not sure as it could be the better arm as well.  The only thing is everything sounded like metal and some midrange and upper frequencies were just unbearable.  Music should not be an assault on the ears.
Actually I think they moved to aluminum to save money.  Acrylic was more difficult as I have read.  It really is personal preference.  It also may have to do with the actual mass of the aluminum.  I think the key is finding the right mat.  However, with acrylic you do not need one and the mids are just wonderful as well as highs.  Sounds more like real music without a doubt to these ears.  The aluminum may have allowed for slightly blacker backgrounds and that is debatable.  I like the presentation off of the acrylic.  Its not as forward sounding, more relaxed and far easier to listen to.  I always thought the aries was the best effort by VPI and the scout with acrylic is the closest I have heard to that sound.
I am hating to give my friend his arm back.  The new JMW 9 is a very good arm.  Worth of higher end carts without a doubt.  i cannot imagine what the original scout with the acrylic platter and the new JMW 9 would sound like with a RUBY Z.  Heaven I bet.