Alternatives to Pass Labs

Pass Labs are great amps but are expensive too. Are there any other good amps (stereo and or multi-channel) that are as great sounding as the pass labs products but not as expensive? I had an (borrowed from a friend) an Aleph 3 and I felt that the Aleph was on SS(solid state) amp closest to the tube sound but at the same time retaining the SS features.

Showing 1 response by bpwalsh

Harry, I'm curious if the Parasound JC-1's you auditioned were broken in? They go through phases during break-in, including bright and dull. If anything they err slightly on the sweet side of neutral, although they are revealing of other equipment in the chain.

Disclaimer: I'm a Parasound Halo dealer. That said, I purchased my JC-1's as a consumer, so maybe my comments are sprinkled with a few less grains of salt.

Brian Walsh