Alternatives to Pass Labs

Pass Labs are great amps but are expensive too. Are there any other good amps (stereo and or multi-channel) that are as great sounding as the pass labs products but not as expensive? I had an (borrowed from a friend) an Aleph 3 and I felt that the Aleph was on SS(solid state) amp closest to the tube sound but at the same time retaining the SS features.

Showing 1 response by bemopti123

Symphony line gear does not come cheap, even used.

I second the notion of getting something affordable meanwhile, while you pinch your pennies towards the real deal. There is nothing like the real thing, others will try, but will never do. This is a lesson I have learned while hunting for amps. Went through about 6 amps, just to return or to purchase a pair of amps I was eyeing since before the gold egg hunt. Finally, I have gotten my Final Music 6s...after wasting a lot of money in different amps and set ups.

Yes, Pass' are pricey amps, but what is more expensive? To try to attain the Pass sound through a different brand. In the end, it will come out more expensive than you might think.

My take on this whole issue.

Now, if you do not forsee yourself getting money for a Pass in the near future, get the best amp you can get at the current budget regardless of brand and how close it sounds to a Pass.