Alternatives to Dunlavy speakers?

With Dunlavy Audio Labs out of business, what are the best alternatives to Dunlavy IV/A and V speakers?

Showing 1 response by audiofederation

We went from the Vandy 2ce to the Dunlavy IV, and after a sidestep to the Sonus Faber Extremas...:-), to the Acapella Campaniles. Now we are dealers for the Campaniles, even though (or maybe because? :-) they look like Dunlavy Vs with a horn pasted on the side :-) But Acapella speakers are phase and time correct, efficient, and tall - for that BIG sound we like - just like the Dunlavys. If someone made the IVs and Vs with a nice look (rounded back maybe, exotic woods) and used high-end components instead of generic while keeping the price down... they'd have a hell of a speaker and, I think (BWDIK), a nice customer base. Peiga's seem close - but a little on the 'short' side maybe...?
