Alternatives to Disc Doctor Brushes?

Hi, I just received the Disc Doctor's miracle record cleaning fluid from Music Direct. The brushes are back ordered, so I was wondering what to use in the meantime? I have an old Discwasher brush, but am hesitant to use it.


Showing 1 response by sedond

i have excellent results yust washing my records w/mild dish soap & lukewarm water, then drying w/a soft towel. when playing the records, i use a keith monks record sweeper, a soft-bristle brush on the end of a small tonearm that tracks the grooves while playing. this thing even has a grounding strap to reduce static - it's all metal, & there's a few carbon-fibres mixed-in w/the bristles. there's a guy w/a small shop in canada - arthur salvatore - i tink he may still have a few of these nos. also effective are the old watts dust-bugs, which ya see on ebay for cheap every now-n-again. i used one w/good results for over 20 years before i found the keith monks model. most of my albums, even the old ones, are in great shape...