Alternatives to Disc Doctor Brushes?

Hi, I just received the Disc Doctor's miracle record cleaning fluid from Music Direct. The brushes are back ordered, so I was wondering what to use in the meantime? I have an old Discwasher brush, but am hesitant to use it.


Showing 1 response by doug28450

There are a number of things you can try. Cotton "patches" will work, make sure you have several layers between your fingers and the record. Brushes by VPI, as Abstract7 stated and I use, Nitty Gritty brushes, the old Discwasher cleaning brush. Just make sure that whatever you are going to use is very, very clean to start with. If you are going to use something that you have used with other cleaning fluids in the past, rinse it well with distilled water, then rinse with the "new" cleaning fluid before using on your precious vinyl. Sometimes if cleaning fluids are mixed together as liquids, the result is less than desirable.