Alternatives Software for iTunes on Mac

Been an iTunes user since its inception and quite satisfied with it with its overall sound quality in my system. Recently I have encountered some significant problems and have decided to look for an alternative to it. Have a large collection of music on a separate external hard drive in AIFF files, 2500 CDs or albums. Currently uses Apple airport express to wireless play music from my computer through a Rotes Integrated Amp and Monitor Audio Gold 100 speakers.  I am looking for a high quality software to replace iTunes. I must to able to easy transfer existing files to the new software. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by aqueousaris

I love Audirvana - and it DOES sound better than iTunes.  But you must own all of the music in your library it it will not play in Audirvana.  This is a problem for me because I pay for Apple Music $15/mo and just add all kinds of whatever I want to my library, but then I can't remember if I "bought it" or not and my library becomes extremely frustrating to navigate, which is a big turn off to me.  So, if I'm in the mood to listen to older music that I know I own, its Audirvana and a joint.  If I'm working and streaming and just background music, its ITunes.  If I whip out the bong then you know I just warmed up my tube pre and am about to spin some vinyl!  
Right on!  And you are using a DAC right?  I have a Dragon Fly Red and it makes a huge difference too!