alternative power supply for Garrard 301

I have just acquired a refurbished Garrard 301. Intend to pair it with a 8 layered marine ply or baltic plinth ,or preferably a double layered slate plinth ( if I can find 2 pieces of 50mm slate slab). Tonearm will probably be 12" Reed 2P on a separate platform and matched with Miyajima shilabe. The only issue I have now is separate power supply. Off course I can always buy a Loricraft PSU 301 AR for GBP2500. Beside Loricraft PSU, I read about Wave Mechanics by
Martin Bastins used with Nottingham turntable but its seems a higher powered unit can be use for Garrard. However cant seems to find a source for it. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated

Showing 3 responses by mosin

The hold up has been the enclosures, which are my responsibility. I accept all blame, but they are now slated to be shipped. The circuits are finished, so you guys won't have to wait much longer. I haven't seen the controller, but I feel sure it will be worth the wait.

Thanks for your patience,

Mark is better. In fact, he has been recovering nicely and the project is ongoing. I hope you guys haven't given up because I am confident that a good controller will come of this for those of you who have been patient enough to wait. Sometimes, obstacles come up that are unforeseen, but this time they are not insurmountable.

Thanks to those who have voiced concerns regarding Mark's health. It is really appreciated.
