alternated method for storing compact discs

I am thinking of consolidating my cd space by getting rid of the cd jewel case and putting them in jewel sleeves.

I would like to know if anyone has done this, what the sleeves cost, if these sleeves will scratch the discs by taking them in and out and if it is easy to locate any particular cd for playing.

Showing 1 response by ckorody

Discsox makes some very useful sleeves that even include separate pockets for the CD, liner notes, and label:

I keep all my CDs in them (about 1,00 now). When I get a new CD, I open the box, grab the booklet, and slip it in a DiscSox. Then I rip the disc to my harddrive and put it all away for safekeeping. At the same time I toss the jewelcase - those things even clog up my wastebasket.

The pleasant thing is that a tray of Sox is much like flipping through a miniature record bin.

They sleeves are lined and there is no noticeable damage to the CD