Aloia's and Power
I purchased an Aloia inductive powered preamp last year which I am thorougly enjoying. It's mated with an Ayre V-3 power amp rated at 100 watts. Recently, I've wondered what an Aloia inductive powered amp would do for my system, and I noticed there are a number of people on this site with the Aloia amp. My question is, will I experience a loss in my ability to play music loud with a 30-watt Aloia amp versus my 100 watt Ayre? I'm using Meadowlark Shearwater speakers, which at 89 DB are easy to drive so that shouldn't be a problem. But I don't want to loose too much in the way of volume, as I do like to crank it up once in a while. Thanks for any light Aloia users can shed on this subject. It does appear to be one honey of an amp.