Allnic Verito Z:Owners and those familiar

Am considering the purchase of this cartridge.My funds have been delayed and thus the purchase.
I have looked for reviews,but there are only comments.
Can anyone contrast/compare this against some known quantity.I'm hoping that the few members ,who own this will comment and relay their experiences.
Thanks in advance-Tom

Showing 9 responses by tpsonic

Thank you gentlemen for your comments.I think that this maybe the ticket.
I would ask that members submit their opinions to the forum thread.I don't mind dealers making offers,but some are suspect:those who wanted the line and didn't get it-John.
Has anyone compared the "z" to the AT PC-3? Plenty of info on the PC-1.Thanks in advance-Tom
So the consensus is:that I would need to spend $4500 to $9K in order to get a cartridge of any merit.I won't do it!
All cartridges have their own signature-period!
I eliminated the Transfiguration Phoenic due to less than ideal bass performance .I don't think Clearaudio or Benz has an offering in the $2-3K that I want to live with.Allaerts representation in the US at this moment is a joke-spent a year with that cast trying to resolve warranties to no avail.Would rather buy a diamond watch off a street corner.
Maybe digital is the only course left-but then what to do with all my vinyl.
Must I buy a Coralstone ($15K),PC-1/Supreme $9K+) or equivalent to be happy-this is rediculous!
Before I read another members' opinion comparing mega-buck cartridges to one under $3K,please take a moment to reflect on what I have posted.Thank you.
Please forgive me.It is very difficult to encompass the large number of cartridges available.It is also difficult when members' impressions are at the polar-opposites.
My previous experience has left me wary of the possible consequences of buying a cartridge,thus I feel that I cannot go down the used route.
If I were to look strictly at the manufacturers and their reputation,I would invest in a Benz.I have heard these several times and the manufacturer will support them.It is not my cup-of-tea,so I am ssearching else-where.Some other products/persons cannot say the same.
I have had a strong relationship with music and several manufacturers.I have worked in a recording studio and been asked to consult on several designs.I considered it a privalege to be involved.I have never felt that my opinion was any more valid than anothers-it is subject to ones' interpretation.What pleases one,may not please another.But I do feel that there is "a theme of truthful variation".

Would anyone be willing to look at their system/equipment and offer or surmise why the intrepretaion of this cartridge is so varied.There seems to be a consensus as to the qualities of the PC-1 and possibly the XV-1.
I should have stated my budget up front,but had hoped that my string of cartridge threads might have been followed-MY BAD.My apologies to all,but I am frustrated and down with the flu.
Thank you Steve,and also Hammertone for placing their advertisement.I would be using this in an OL Encounter III.Would the piece of ebony be better than a direct connection? Thanks in advance.
I have had two lengthy conversations with two different Allnic dealers.Both have had comparable experiences with the same cartridges that I have used in the past.Even discussing associated gear,we appear to be on the same page.They have stated that "if I were to compare this to a PC-1,I might find it less "refined".This I am willing to accept at 1/2 the cost.
I will be using this in the OL Encounter III,so I suspect that the "shim" might be required.Does anyone know if Allnic will supply these???
I had given Lloyd Walker a call on Friday.He said that he had the Verito there to audition.I will speak with him again on Monday and relay his comments.
I thank everyone for their contributions and I believe this cartridge is still in the running to fill the Ecos place in my system.
Forgive me,BUT I would prefer that NO one stand on a soapbox and proclaim that they are the Messiah>Monty Python hit the nail:"He is the Messiah and I should know,I've followed a few"
If you do or don't like a product>>please state your view and the reasons,then let it stand on its' own.
I feel it serves ABSOLUTELY NO PURPOSE to turn an inquizative thread into a back-n-forth banter
We all need to remember that :We reap what we sow.
Gentlemen>>Lets remain civil.If we can't accomplish this than we will all lose out and the forums will become as useful as spent toilet tissue.
I have no control over my thread,but I would respectfully ask that this behavior cease.
Sometimes a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.Many designs that I have contributed to have lost their direction,due to a horse with blinders on mentality.They appear to focus on a single aspect and believe they have reached nirvana.Only to have the product rejected by the "community" as a whole.

I take offene at the comments concerning We Americans and our lamb mentality.It is possible that you have not been taken advantage of,spent a year while fingers were pointed between a dealer (Hudson Audio) and an importer(Audio Advancements),and finally by the manufacturer,who felt I was not being honest about the troubles WE Americans were experiencing with their representation.
I bought a cartridge ,represented as new and within a year that units' cantilever collapsed,taking out a coil.
I really thought it was something I had done.It was not.I spent considerable monies to have my analog front-end checked for DC volts and shorts.None were found.
Then to finally be offered "to be taken care of",if I were to retract my statements made to JA.
My admiration of the performance of said cartridge,drove me to furnish a retraction against my better judgement>The importer then turned around and "cleared" himself by sending it to JA.Then he promptly turned around and dropped it back in my lap.The stated repair would run $1050 ,plus $200 shipping.
I refused to spend $1350 (it cost me $112 to get the cartridge to JA),plus the $1700 to restore the cartridge.
I ask,would anyone buy a $2K cartridge for over $3K?It is obvious to me that a cartridge rated for 10K hours,has been used extensively to collapse during the first year of use (I may listen to 3-4 sides of an LP,3-4 times a week).
I might have spent even more money chasing people around and going to court to try and resolve this.That is not how I wish to spend my time.In talking with several dealer (on various carts),I find that both have left dealers holding a lot of useless gear and misrepresented product that the consumer is now stuck with.
When you have had this kind of experience,YOU will certainly want to know who is behind the products you wish to include in your beloved system.
The Industry and its's representive persons have changed over the years here in the US,maybe due to OUR throw away society.This is no excuse for the way music lovers are treated when the issue of a "warranty" must finally be executed.Many Warranties (a piece of paper or a notation on a website) are only as good as those who stand behind them.When you deal with a bean-counter,you will always lose-it is strictly a matter of money (think "Fight Club",where Ed Norton is explaining when a company will do a re-call to the passenger next to him on a plane).
I don't know what to say any further.If you can display compassion for fellow human beings,my hat goes off to you.
Breezer:When did you receive your Verito?? I understand that a change was made on the last production run.These are being exchanged,as they have no lower mids,mid bass,bass.I sent mine back-it did have a wonderful top-end,but with the other elements missing I didn't keep it.
So to be honest,I haven't heard the real-deal.
What mine did was very good and if the "weight" had materialized,would have been a keeper.
I believe the cartridge body should be redesigned:a open ,hollow wood body is an invitation to resonances and doesn't protect the delicate inner workings.It may also do away with the need for a shim in metal headshells.YMMV.
When the "next generation " Verito Z arrives in users hands (arms),will someone be willing to comment???
I understand the "original" was happiest in high-mass arms (IE:the Walker at 30+ grams).Much like the Myabi.
Is the Shilabe,the current production Myabi??