Alleviate brightness by using tube pre?

I was wondering if a decent pre-amp (I was thinking Anthm Pre-2L) would alleviate brightness when hooked up to my Acurus A100. Currently using the Acurus RL-11 pre, with Cambridge Audio CD4SE and PSB Straus Bronze speakers. Really, my problem is an extremely bright room (hardwood floors, 20 foot ceilings etc.) - the same gear sounds wonderful to my ears in a smaller, carpeted room. So, would the pre-2l help combat what are essentially room anomalies? Thanks!
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Showing 1 response by sk

Yes, our room adds and subtracts a lot of information to audio signal. And, most of us don’t have a dedicated listening room for aggressive room treatment :( And, usually a good spot for speaker is a bad spot for our spouse :) You might want to use near field listening test to learn how much room you are hearing first. One possible way to combat room problem is to use planar speakers. I also believe that the tube front-end will elevate your listening pleasure to combat room problem.