All Pre 1970 Vintage speakers suck! Prove me wrong

Have tried many vintage speakers.

My conclusion: All pre-1970 vintage speakers suck. Well-made but crappy  sound.

Used with both vintage amps and modern.

I do like many vintage amps such as Radio Craftsmen RC-500, Marantz tube, Scott tube, Heath W5, Lafayette and Pilot tube.

But back to pre-1970 speakers:

No bass, harsh, or honky mids and no highs. Not musical or listenable to me.

Tried many including Acoustic Research AR-3a, 2Ax, etc. The entire AR product line. Also Klipsch Horn, Large EVs. Altec VOTT. Pioneer CS-88 and 99.

Nothing pre 1970 is even close to the better modern speakers.

I challenge you: Prove me wrong.


Showing 4 responses by asvjerry

...I think we can safely listen to this:

....since 'vintage' is the du jour topic...  ;)

Considering all the pro's 'n con's that have been espoused, posed, deposed, and debunked in some manners (and a paltry few without)....

There's been some very good ranging to definitely atrocious in the eras (and errors) of audiophilia....we've managed to live, live with, live through, and live without a considerable span of that trudge of time.

The 'Rat Shuck' actually did have a few rough diamonds and the 'Major Players' (Enter Your Fave Rave *HERE* if you haven't already)
did market some real bombs in the NotSoHO of others.

I liked some of the Infinity's of the late '70s'~early '80s'.
Still love my ESS amt Heils'.
Still committed (no, not need to be😒) to my Walsh project...among other
'aud-atrocities'....after all, all parents love their children....regardless of how ugly and stupid they may be....😏

Oh, btw...some background on the 'lion' opening song....

Changes your whole attitude about it....😑

@larryi ...No, I've never the opportunity to hear either of those, but I'm game to. *G*  I'm not a 'classical all, all the time' either....but do 'symphony' periodically.

It's good to have an awareness of from whence it's from, but I'm primarily of this era and prefer to 'grow with it and into it'....'eclectic' to the core... ;)

The same with the means we employ to listen.  If one thinks "Gawd, that old stuff sounds like ...", was the best of its' era and the means to make it such.

The fact that many can find it still listenable....even to 'modern ears' a tribute to those who made it such.  I suspect that 99.8% of what 'they' listened to elsewhere drove them to do it.... ;)

@katman ....RS sold briefly a duo or a trio of speakers with a Linaeum tweeter; basically a small rubanoide dipole, 2.5Khz to 20Khz more or less.

If you've never heard one of them, not a surprise there....

Never sprung for a pair of finished ones, but got a pair of the stand-alone units from a 'surplus' box.... One works, the other DOA.  Did an autopsy on the can DIY them, but an ESL repair is child's play in contrast...

Be a dipole fan to appreciate them...

@vitussl101....If you're referring to moi'....

This is Not an argument: more of an 'appeal to audio history, and those who, Wayyy before us, suffered listening to 'music' that to a 'cultured ear' of the time likely drove them nutz.

Consider:  You just came back from a live concert of Bach (and it doesn't matter what was played) and wanted to 'extend the vibe' (so to speak) when home.

What you played at home sounded Nothing Like what you just experienced.

Give the Past a break...😣🤷‍♂️

*L* Anyway....

@rocray....Ah, yes..  "..the celebrated Mr. K performs his feat on Saturday at Bishops' Gate...."

I'll be diplomatic about the man, because we all ought to strive to allow each other that, in this very VERY "IMHO" (and sometimes, not so H....nooo) and tremendously personal 'hobby'....that is it's own sort of addiction.

Some have a firm grasp on it....  "Don't take nothing that your spirit can't kill..."

Some skip like a stone... "...skipping over the ocean like a stone..."

....and then, there's......well..... 

....'extremes'..... ;) 

To 11 and beyond....

Get Down.