***ALL IN ONE Integrated Amplifier/DAC's***Surge Protection & Filtration???

Just bought a Quad VA-One+ all in one tube integrated with built in DAC...For the next year it will be in a bedroom system,at which time I will be moving into a VERY small place where it will become my end game component...
I would really like some kind of surge protection but don’t want to hamper the amplifier side of the unit.Is there a recommended way to go here?
Thanks,I have a PST-8 already & experiments have clearly shown a reduction in low level resolution in my tube amp when using it compared to the in wall Voodoo outlet..I'm looking for something that will allow the amp to breath & do it's thing while protecting it & the digital circuits..Budget to $500.00 if it will do the job.,..
@lowrider,I started thinking about this,I wonder if the fact that mine is about 15 years old has anything to do with it hahahah...Looks like their still a touch over a benji so I think I'll try a new one from Amazon & see how it works out since I can always send it back if it still sucks the life out of the amp...