All about the bass

I am new to the world of high end audio and I am looking to buy a new set of speakers. I am really interested in great bass (tight, powerful and fast). I listen mainly to electronic and classical music.

My budget is up to $5K and my room is small/medium size. Any good recommendations? Should I split the money between a set of speakers and a subwoofer or go all out on speakers ? I am wary of the possible speaker/subwoofer interactions...

Thanks a lot!

P.S. Any good power amp recommendations around the $3k range welcome too...

Showing 1 response by lilu

Thanks to everyone for your recommendations, this is really helpful and I learned a lot by following your leads.

I 've uped my budget for these speakers to around $7K now and I am leaning towards the Audio Physic Scorpios. They seem to produce good results for their size.

Comparing the Audio Physics, ATC, Montana and Focus which one would you go for given their relative size?

Also, elaborating about the room: although the listening area is around 11x11 - the entire room is actually 11x25, carpeted.

Thanks again!