All about the bass

I am new to the world of high end audio and I am looking to buy a new set of speakers. I am really interested in great bass (tight, powerful and fast). I listen mainly to electronic and classical music.

My budget is up to $5K and my room is small/medium size. Any good recommendations? Should I split the money between a set of speakers and a subwoofer or go all out on speakers ? I am wary of the possible speaker/subwoofer interactions...

Thanks a lot!

P.S. Any good power amp recommendations around the $3k range welcome too...

Showing 1 response by dcstep

Within your $5K budget, I'd recommend the Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grands with a REL sub woofer. You only mentioned tight/powerful/fast. If you go with the setup I'm suggesting, you'll get that plus you'll hear the true character of the bass. With double bass you'll hear the woodyness of the body, with electric bass you'll be able to tell a Sadowsky from a Fender, etc. Lot's of systems get the TPF right but leave out the character. For your classical listening you'll really need that.

Hooking up with the Sumiko guys (distributors for VA, REL, OCOS, Sonus Faber, Pro-ject, Sumiko, etc.) will get you in with some guys that really know how to put a system together.
