All about the bass

I am new to the world of high end audio and I am looking to buy a new set of speakers. I am really interested in great bass (tight, powerful and fast). I listen mainly to electronic and classical music.

My budget is up to $5K and my room is small/medium size. Any good recommendations? Should I split the money between a set of speakers and a subwoofer or go all out on speakers ? I am wary of the possible speaker/subwoofer interactions...

Thanks a lot!

P.S. Any good power amp recommendations around the $3k range welcome too...

Showing 1 response by bhobba

The SP Timepiece mini

Athough the smaller brothers of the Timepieces they are very similar:
'These speakers are among a handful of speakers that literally define the concept of "value" in the high-end audio price/performance ratio. Today that ratio needs supercomputing assistance to unravel hyperbole from fact. When I listen to my Timepiece 2.1 speakers, I am the sound of one hand laughing because, these speakers are among the best I've ever heard at any price.'

At $2995 cheaper than your 5k limit. Put the difference into better source components - the SP's deserve it.

The amps I recommend are the D100's from channel island audio if the new digital amps take your fancy:

But for untimate performance you really can't go past the Hugh Dean Soraya:

Not the most expensive amps about - but simply the best.

For source I recommend computer audio from a modded Squeezebox. The ultimate in convienience, and now sound quality:

The above is not the most expensive system on the planet, but is certain to be amongst the best.
