Alesis ML-9600 to archive my LP's in HI-RES CD24

I own a meitner DCC2 96/24 DAC and wish to archive my vinyl collection for replay thru this hi quality DAC.

I have recently re-read Michael Fremers June 2002 stereophile review of this unit where he uses it to archive LP'S and the sound of various phono equipment .. cartridges, arms, phono stages etc...

My thinking is, if it can archive this level of subtlety then surely it is good enough to archive LP's ?

a. Has anyone experience in archiving LP's this way.

b. Does any one know of a better way that would achieve
a comparable or better result?

c. Does any one know of a PC / Softare package that
achieves a comparable or better result?

Showing 1 response by belyin

I have used a Masterlink to record sessions straight to 2-track stereo at a high sample rate, mostly as a backup to 1/2" analog tape, 15 IPS with Dolby S. We used Apogee A/D's, like most high-end studios. The hard drive recording sounds pretty good, but it ain't tape. Judging by the quality of the D/A's I would not expect the built in A/D's to be anything special. I never tried it, and no one at the studio ever seemed to either, since they have much classier out board gear at their disposal.

I read some post that claimed the Masterlink made a good transport for an out board DAC, but I have my doubts. I used the Masterlink to make some copies of reference disk from a mastering session, and I then listened to the copies. The sound was so bad I rescheduled the mastering session, until I went back to the original and realized that the copies suffered from horrible jitter. Copies made from the my Anthem CD-1 to the Masterlink sounded fine, so the problem seems to be with the built player or its connection to the hard drive.

The thing is versital, but it definitely has limits. I'm sure it could be modded and hot-rodded to good effect. But you may find that you could do just as well if not better with a computer and soundcard.