Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding

So like most of you (I bet), I listen to tons of music.  But there are just some albums I never learned to appreciate.  I hope this thread can serve as a teaching tool.  I did not get Mingus at first but now he is one of my favorites.

Perhaps ending each post with, "What am I missing?" would be a good idea.

I will start with Graceland by Paul Simon.  Most of my friends call me crazy (still after all these years...OUCH that was bad) but I never desire to listen to this record.  I get the African influence and rhythm but it just does not impress me.  Alternatively when Peter Gabriel did the African influence thing I found it stunningly good. Paul Simon as a musician impresses me in his other works.  What am I missing?


Showing 2 responses by deadhead1000

I don't see any direct references to Dreampop or Shoegaze singers or bands. I am sure a lot of folks here can't stand either genre. I personally like Dreampop, and some of the shoegaze folks.

How about Frank Sinatra? I get he has an amazing voice and phasing (my Mom and her sisters once skipped school in the late 1930's to hear him sing in the Bronx!). But I never put on a Sinatra album/song to sit back and listen and enjoy. And I have tried multiple times.

I’ll jump in on an interesting thread. I didn’t get the Grateful Dead, hated the Europe 72 album as my roommate played it again and again. But a year later it was my favorite. Also, I am from New Jersey (don’t hold that against me) originally, and never got into Bruce. Great live shows I will admit, some of his lyrics and rhyming are brilliant, but just can’t enjoy him.

I also have tried “Kind of Blue”, I can understand the brilliance of the musicians, but I have not gotten it yet. I think if I had been into Jazz music when it came out, then I could and would appreciate it. 

I enjoyed Graceland when it came out, played it over and over. At the time there was nothing like it. Just to be clear, I am referring to the US, no one was playing music like that on any of the big/popular, progressive radio stations and most stores did not stock ‘world music’. Now it’s easy to find it; again meaning in the US, and I think that album had a lot to do with it. That said, I haven’t listened to Graceland in 10 years at least. Diamonds on the soles of my shoes was a great song.