Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding

So like most of you (I bet), I listen to tons of music.  But there are just some albums I never learned to appreciate.  I hope this thread can serve as a teaching tool.  I did not get Mingus at first but now he is one of my favorites.

Perhaps ending each post with, "What am I missing?" would be a good idea.

I will start with Graceland by Paul Simon.  Most of my friends call me crazy (still after all these years...OUCH that was bad) but I never desire to listen to this record.  I get the African influence and rhythm but it just does not impress me.  Alternatively when Peter Gabriel did the African influence thing I found it stunningly good. Paul Simon as a musician impresses me in his other works.  What am I missing?


Showing 4 responses by danager

There's a lot I don't "get".  The most puzzling is The Grateful Dead.  I mean they're  fine and there's a lot of it but I'd rather listen to Crosby Stills Nash and Young.


I felt the same way about Cassandra Wilson New moon daughter but after a while she's growing on me. How could you not like the crickets?


Really appreciated the Robert A. Heinlein reference :)  Stranger in a strange land literally changed my life.

and agree with you about Sun Ra...  I feel I should get it but I don't.

I’ve already posted but can please somebody explain Wilco / Uncle Tupelo to me? It just seems generic and uninspiring. This is truly inline with the OPs title. I want to get it but I can’t get thru more than three songs without moving on.

For those who want to get Steely Dan but don't, I recommend FM (No Static at All)

It didn't appear on any of their albums but shows up on the compilations.

FM was a 1978 film where Martin Mull in my opinion stole the move.  Fun movie, great soundtrack and a great representation of what Steely Dan is all about.