Album Sides

Indulge me this silly topic. Sonics aside, there are two things I lament about the decline of the LP as a source of music in my life. One is the loss of the physical album cover, which we could read (without magnification) and study and relate to, if you know what I mean. I rarely know the names of songs anymore on CDs, because I don't "hang" with the cover.

The other loss is the album side. With an LP, there are two "first songs," and two sequences of songs to suck you in. Song sequencing is a whole different challenge with a CD. Do you remember records where you would listen to one side all the time and even ignore the other side or sides? The CD experience is different.

There have been some remarkable album sides. Which do you love most? A few of mine: Abbey Road side 2, Blonde on Blonde side 2, Moondance side 1, Wheels of Fire side 3, American Beauty side 1 (side 2 also).

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Showing 2 responses by macdadtexas

Elton John - side 1 Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

U2 - side 2 The Joshua Tree

Led Zeppelin - side 1 Led Zeppelin II

Stone Temple Pilots - side 1 Core

Pink Floyd - DSOTM both sides

The Police - side 2 Synchronicity
Side 2 of Abbey Road is sublime, side 1 is sublime too. I love the song arc on side 1 of Come Together, Something, Maxwell's Silver Hammer. Pretty cool, not as good as Side 2, agreed, but wow, what a set of diverse and interesting songs.

I'm adding these sides:

Radiohead - side 1 Pablo Honey

Journey - side 1 Infinity