Alan Parsons: Original or Remastered CDs?

I'm in the market for a few Alan Parsons CDs, and I'm trying to figure out whether I should seek out the originals or the remasters. Any thoughts from members who have heard both?
I told me friends I only like vinyl back in the 80s and they told me your nuts,and living with outdated
Eye in the Sky is still one of my faves but the lp is sooo spotty on the sound. Some songs have no bass some the highs are all over the place.
Alan Parson's first album "Tales of Mystery and Imagination" centered around Edgar Allan Poe, is Parson's greatest work. Bought the album the first month it came out in 1976. Could never find it in the store's on CD. A remaster would be a great thing to have. All the songs from the album are available on Youtube.
I have the orig greatest hits on vinyl...although it was digitally remastered at Abbey sounds amazing....
I can't believe I'm reviving this thread but I've seen Alan live a few times. Very good show but very poorly produced coming from a studio musician. The shows were great but the volume was very low.
I bought I Robot remaster (Sony bmg 2007} with 5 bonus tracks. Quite good, but not as warm and dynamic as the vinyl of my youth. Still good after all these years.Last track is a compilation of numerous tracks of I Robot.
I'm listening to I Robot for the first time right now, what a great album. I can't believe I was hesitant to buy it after hearing the 30-second track samples.
I believe the song you are looking for is called "Time", on the album, Turn of a Friendly Card. It is gorgeous.
Can any of you Alan Parsons fans identify this song for me (name and album)? It is a song about the death of a friend.
The originals are lackluster. I never bought many of them because the vinyl sounded so much better. The vinyl still sounds better but the remasters are closer with much improved bass and clarity. I think all of the early AP stuff sounds just a little bright and still does remastered, just not as bad.
Would be interested in how the remasters are improved. What specifically is better? Has anyone done an A/B of the originals and remasters?
I agree with Soul. The early stuff has been released on HDAD and sounds great. There is also a best of that is remastered well. The newest album A Valid Path is very good and sounds great in DVDA as well as CD.
Lots to choose from...a few recommendations:

Tales of Mystery and Imagination - there's a nice package w/ both original and remaster - worth it!

iRobot - remaster or HDAD (2 channel; plays on DVD/DVD-A players) if you can find it

...these should get you off the ground. Good luck!